Predicting the dative alternation in English

A case study with logistic regression


Chiara Paolini

Here is presented a step-by-step variation study on the English dative alternation based on Szmrecsanyi et al. (2017), using two traditional statistical techniques in variationist analysis: binomial logistic regression analysis and conditional random forest.

For the theoretical explanation of the dataset and the techniques, please check the slides.


The analysis needs the activation of different packages, lme4 and party for regression modeling with random effects and conditional random forest respectively. Hmisc, car and MuMIn are pivotal for calculating evaluation measures for regression modeling, while the library effects allows the plot of partial effects plot.

Make sure to have them installed on your R studio version before running the script!

library(tidyverse)   # Easily Load the 'Tidyverse'
library(here)        # Enable easy file referencing in project-oriented workflows
library(lme4)        # for mixed-effects regression
library(Hmisc)       # to calculate C values
library(car)         # to calculate VIFs
library(MuMIn)       # Multi-Model Inference for PSeudo R2 measures
library(effects)     # for partial effects plot
library(party)       # for ctrees and CRF
library(kableExtra)  # Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax

Upload and filter the dataset

The dataset I will provide has already been manipulated: it represents only the American subsection of the original dataset (1190 observations), plus it contains recipient/theme.lemma.

dat_us <- read_tsv(here::here('MCL_seminar', 'data', 'dat_us.tsv'), show_col_types = F)
# A tibble: 6 × 42
  Token…¹ Variety Corpus Speaker Speak…² Speak…³ Context Inclu…⁴ Inclu…⁵ Seman…⁶
  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>    <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <chr>   <lgl>   <chr>  
1 dat-26… US      SWBD      1002 F          1963 A: Rig… y       NA      T      
2 dat-26… US      SWBD      1016 F          1945 being … y       NA      T      
3 dat-26… US      SWBD      1026 F          1957 of tha… y       NA      A      
4 dat-26… US      SWBD      1031 F          1940 but it… y       NA      A      
5 dat-26… US      SWBD      1033 F          1965 B: Yea… y       NA      T      
6 dat-26… US      SWBD      1050 M          1950 B: -- … y       NA      A      
# … with 32 more variables: Response.variable <chr>, Verb.form <chr>,
#   Verb.particle <lgl>, Recipient <chr>, Recipient.head <chr>,
#   Recipient.type <chr>, Recipient.animacy <chr>,
#   Recipient.definiteness <chr>, Recipient.length <dbl>,
#   Recipient.coordinated <dbl>, Recipient.quantified.pronoun <dbl>,
#   Recipient.contains.contraction <dbl>, Recipient.contains.acronym <dbl>,
#   Recipient.contains.multiword.number <dbl>, …

After uploading the dataset, the second step is to filter and model the dataset based on our research needs. Specifically, here I first select only the predictors we are interested into and filter out the observations with any NA values in the predictors and the ones that do not contain the value F or M in the predictor. Then, I proceed to create the binary predictors as described in the paper, and the new Length.difference variable by calculating the difference between the log values of Theme/Recipient.length. I also did here some level adjustment for the regression analysis: I set the reference level for the Response.variable as Prepositional, thus the predicted odds will be for the Ditransitive variant. Speaker.pruned and Theme/Recipient.lemma.pruned are pruned variables to be used in the regression model as random effects (I will get into details in the regression section): fct_lump_min creates a new level called other for lemmas that appear fewer than 2 times. Eventually, the character variables should be mutated in factors.

Factors are used to represent categorical data in R.

Factors are stored as integers, and have labels associated with these unique integers (levels). While factors look (and often behave) like character vectors, they are actually integers under the hood, and you need to be careful when treating them like strings.

Once created them using the factor() command, factors can only contain a pre-defined set values, known as levels. By default, R always sorts levels in alphabetical order.

dat_us <- dat_us %>% 
  select(Token.ID, Variety, Speaker,, Response.variable,
         Recipient.type, Theme.type,
         Recipient.definiteness, Theme.definiteness,
         Recipient.animacy, Theme.animacy,
         Recipient.length, Theme.length,
         Recipient.head, Theme.head, Recipient.lemma, Theme.lemma) %>% 
  na.omit() %>%
  filter( %in% c('F', 'M')) %>%
    Recipient.type.bin = if_else(Recipient.type == 'N', 'N', 'P'),
    Theme.type.bin = if_else(Theme.type == 'N', 'N', 'P'),
    Recipient.definiteness.bin = if_else(Recipient.definiteness == 'Indefinite', 'Indefinite', 'Definite'),
    Theme.definiteness.bin = if_else(Theme.definiteness == 'Indefinite', 'Indefinite', 'Definite'),
    Recipient.animacy.bin = if_else(Recipient.animacy == 'A', 'A', 'I'),
    Theme.animacy.bin = if_else(Theme.animacy == 'A', 'A', 'I'),
    Length.difference = log(Recipient.length) - log(Theme.length)) %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.character), as.factor), 
    Speaker = factor(Speaker),
    Response.variable = fct_relevel(Response.variable, "P"), #level the response variable: reference level is P-dative, thus predicted odds are for the D-dative
    Speaker.pruned = fct_lump_min(Speaker, 5, other_level = "other"), #pruning the random effects
    Theme.lemma.pruned = fct_lump_min(Theme.lemma, 2, other_level = "other"),
    Recipient.lemma.pruned = fct_lump_min(Recipient.lemma, 2, other_level = "other")) 
  kbl(fixed_thead = T) %>%
Token.ID Variety Speaker Response.variable Recipient.type Theme.type Recipient.definiteness Theme.definiteness Recipient.animacy Theme.animacy Recipient.length Theme.length Semantics Recipient.head Theme.head Recipient.lemma Theme.lemma Recipient.type.bin Theme.type.bin Recipient.definiteness.bin Theme.definiteness.bin Recipient.animacy.bin Theme.animacy.bin Length.difference Speaker.pruned Theme.lemma.pruned Recipient.lemma.pruned
dat-2626 US 1002 F D P I Definite Indefinite A I 1 1 T us something us/pp something/pn P P Definite Indefinite A I 0 1002 something/pn us/pp
dat-2627 US 1016 F D P P Definite Definite A I 1 1 T me hers me/pp hers/pp P P Definite Definite A I 0 1016 other me/pp
dat-2628 US 1026 F D P N Definite Indefinite A I 1 1 A her options her/pp option/nn P N Definite Indefinite A I 0 other option/nn her/pp
dat-2629 US 1031 F D P N Definite Indefinite A I 1 1 A us demos us/pp demos/nn P N Definite Indefinite A I 0 other other us/pp
dat-2630 US 1033 F D P I Definite Indefinite A I 1 1 T us one us/pp one/pn P P Definite Indefinite A I 0 1033 one/pn us/pp
dat-2631 US 1050 M D P N Definite Indefinite A I 1 1 A me shelter me/pp shelter/nn P N Definite Indefinite A I 0 other shelter/nn me/pp

The bird’s eye perspective: conditional random forest

Conditional random forest (CRF) is a multivariate statistical method that can answer to the research question: which linguistic factors help to predict the use of particular linguistic variants? For an accessible introduction to conditional inference trees and random forest, check out Levshina (2020).

CRF can be done using a great range of libraries (partykit, ranger among them): here I use party, the classic library for trees and forests in R.

Since it is a partitioning algorithm with random sampling, we need to set first a seed to get always the same result. forest represents the implementation of the formula for the CRF using the cforest() function: similarly to the formula for regression models, the syntax is: cforest(response variable ~ [variables], data = data_name) .

After computing the CRF, varimp() computes variable importance measures: if conditional = TRUE, the importance of each variable is computed by adjusting for correlations between predictor variables.

The third chunk of the code is dedicated to the computation of the Concordance index C-value, better known as simply C-value, a non-parametric measure of how well a statistical model fits a set of observations. {Hmsic} is the reference library, using the function somers2().


C-value is a pivotal measure for most part of the statistical tools employed in variationist analysis, especially for regression modeling. However, make sure to not rely only on this measure for your assessments as it gives a general evaluation of the model. For CRF is fine, but we will see that it is not the case for regression modeling.

Finally, it is possible to plot the result of the varimp computation and check for the most important variables in the prediction of the linguistic variants. The red dotted line represents the threshold to consider a variable slightly significant. For a detailed theoretical explanation, see Tagliamonte & Baayen (2012).

forest = cforest(Response.variable ~ 
              Semantics +
              Recipient.type.bin +
              Theme.type.bin +
              Recipient.definiteness.bin +
              data = dat_us)

#### variable importance ranking, takes some time
forest.varimp = varimp(forest, conditional = TRUE) 

#### model C index
#### C ranges between 0 an 1; the closer to 1, the better the model
prob2.rf <- unlist(treeresponse(forest))[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
somerssmallcrf <- somers2(prob2.rf, as.numeric(dat_us$Response.variable) - 1)
### the following code creates a dot plot visualizing the variable importance ranking
ggplot(enframe(forest.varimp, name="Predictor", value = "Varimp"),
        aes(x = Varimp, y = reorder(Predictor, Varimp))) +
    geom_point(size = 3, color = "darkblue") +
    labs(x = "Variable importance", y = "Predictor") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = abs(min(forest.varimp)),
               color = "red", linetype = 2) +
    theme_minimal(base_size = 20) +
    theme(legend.position = c(0.9, 0.2))

The jeweler’s eye perspective: regression modeling

To take a closer look at the predictors, and their direction in predicting one of the two linguistic variants, we use binary logistic regression analysis with mixed effects as implemented in the lme4 package in R.

Regression modeling has in general a very simple and standardize code, but it can be done in many different ways, using different techniques to get to the final results. Here I will show you the simplest bottom-up technique to get from a maximal model with all the predictors to a minimal model comprising of only the most meaningful predictors. The idea is to manually remove the predictor with the highest p-value at each run of the regression model, till we get a model with few meaningful predictors.


There are many ways to implement automatic algorithms to get minimal models by using stepwise modeling. However, I would recommend to use those automatic techniques when you feel to master an advance knowledge of your data and of regression modeling.

Maximal regression model

The reference level is Prepositional, thus the predicted odds are for the Ditransitive alternation.

glmer() is the function to use for regression models with mixed-effects. See the documentation for the formula and an in-depth explanation of the code.


Here the monthly-updated GLMM bible for the thousands of problems in fitting the regression model.

trad_model <- glmer(Response.variable ~ 
              Semantics +
              Recipient.type.bin +
              Theme.type.bin +
              Recipient.definiteness.bin +
              (1|Speaker)+ # random effect (intercept adjustment)
              data = dat_us,
Warning in (function (fn, par, lower =, n), upper =, :
failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
Warning in optwrap(optimizer, devfun, start, rho$lower, control = control, :
convergence code 4 from Nelder_Mead: failure to converge in 10000 evaluations
Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
unable to evaluate scaled gradient
Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
Model failed to converge: degenerate Hessian with 1 negative eigenvalues
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
  Approximation) [glmerMod]
 Family: binomial  ( logit )
Formula: Response.variable ~ + Semantics + Recipient.type.bin +  
    Theme.type.bin + Recipient.definiteness.bin + Theme.definiteness.bin +  
    Recipient.animacy.bin + Theme.animacy.bin + Length.difference +  
    (1 | Speaker) + (1 | Recipient.lemma) + (1 | Theme.lemma)
   Data: dat_us

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   279.6    350.5   -125.8    251.6     1156 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-6.8673  0.0036  0.0122  0.0383  3.4311 

Random effects:
 Groups          Name        Variance  Std.Dev.
 Theme.lemma     (Intercept) 8.9752300 2.99587 
 Speaker         (Intercept) 0.0001514 0.01231 
 Recipient.lemma (Intercept) 0.2152492 0.46395 
Number of obs: 1170, groups:  
Theme.lemma, 478; Speaker, 345; Recipient.lemma, 130

Fixed effects:
                                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                            0.7024     2.0973   0.335 0.737696    
Speaker.sexM                          -0.2330     0.5548  -0.420 0.674556    
SemanticsC                            -1.2814     1.0826  -1.184 0.236554    
SemanticsT                            -1.4212     0.7170  -1.982 0.047479 *  
Recipient.type.binP                    2.8195     0.6920   4.074 4.61e-05 ***
Theme.type.binP                       -1.0570     1.1745  -0.900 0.368147    
Recipient.definiteness.binIndefinite  -2.4946     1.0636  -2.345 0.019006 *  
Theme.definiteness.binIndefinite       3.1257     0.9373   3.335 0.000853 ***
Recipient.animacy.binI                -3.4990     1.0314  -3.392 0.000693 ***
Theme.animacy.binI                     0.4650     2.0049   0.232 0.816591    
Length.difference                     -2.6538     0.6783  -3.912 9.14e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) Spkr.M SmntcC SmntcT Rcp..P Thm..P Rcpnt.d.I Thm.d.I
Speaker.sxM -0.186                                                     
SemanticsC  -0.099  0.045                                              
SemanticsT  -0.268  0.204  0.298                                       
Rcpnt.typ.P -0.122  0.116 -0.135 -0.188                                
Thm.typ.bnP -0.146  0.155  0.084 -0.030 -0.004                         
Rcpnt.dfn.I -0.103  0.142  0.122  0.217  0.062  0.100                  
Thm.dfntn.I -0.104  0.044 -0.032 -0.224  0.261  0.066 -0.503           
Rcpnt.nmc.I -0.060  0.044  0.119  0.316 -0.191  0.051  0.552    -0.662 
Thm.nmcy.bI -0.877 -0.070 -0.018  0.089  0.015  0.006 -0.130     0.087 
Lngth.dffrn -0.018  0.035  0.094  0.243  0.027 -0.130  0.530    -0.665 
            Rcpnt.n.I Thm.n.I
Thm.nmcy.bI -0.149           
Lngth.dffrn  0.640    -0.083 
optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 4 (failure to converge in 10000 evaluations)
unable to evaluate scaled gradient
Model failed to converge: degenerate  Hessian with 1 negative eigenvalues
failure to converge in 10000 evaluations

Model summaries: Pseudo R2 measures (coefficient of determination), C value, and ViF

In order to evaluate the performance of the model, it is possible to compute different measures:

  • C-value (see section on CRF)

  • Pseudo-R squared: a goodness of fit measure explaining the improvement in model likelihood over a null model (see for discussion: Hemmert et al. (2018)). Here I compute the marginal pseudo-R2 (the variance explained by fixed factors) and the conditional pseudo-R2 (variance explained by both fixed and random factors (i.e. the entire model)).

  • Variance Inflation Factors: A variance inflation factor (VIF) detects multicollinearity in regression analysis. Multicollinearity is when there is correlation between predictors (i.e. independent variables) in a model; the presence of multicollinearity can adversely affect your regression results. The VIF estimates how much the variance of a regression coefficient is inflated due to multicollinearity in the model. A goof VIF should be lower than 2.5, but there is a lot of debate.

# R2
Warning: 'r.squaredGLMM' now calculates a revised statistic. See the help page.
Warning: the null model is correct only if all variables used by the original
model remain unchanged.
boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
                     R2m          R2c
theoretical 5.989478e-01 8.942824e-01
delta       4.138664e-15 6.179394e-15
# Concordance index C
somers2(binomial()$linkinv(fitted(trad_model)), as.numeric(dat_us$Response.variable) -1)
           C          Dxy            n      Missing 
   0.9967788    0.9935576 1170.0000000    0.0000000 
# Variance Inflation Factors
                               GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))                1.131815  1        1.063868
Semantics                  1.298577  2        1.067498
Recipient.type.bin         1.313491  1        1.146076
Theme.type.bin             1.118899  1        1.057780
Recipient.definiteness.bin 1.743511  1        1.320421
Theme.definiteness.bin     2.526215  1        1.589407
Recipient.animacy.bin      2.404110  1        1.550519
Theme.animacy.bin          1.063911  1        1.031460
Length.difference          2.439304  1        1.561827

Minimal regression model

After manually removing our not-significant predictors, we should get our minimal adequate regression model.

For the sake of length, I did not show every passage (I will show it in class).

Before starting pruning the model, a good practice is to improve the regression model in two steps:

  • By pruning the random effects (i.e. consider only the levels higher that a certain threshold);

  • By optimizing the model, using different techniques: one of the most common is the optimizer bobyqa which enhances the performance of the model together with optCtrl = list(maxfun = 100000) which allows the model to perform more runs.

trad_model_min <- glmer(Response.variable ~ 
              Semantics +
              Recipient.type.bin +
              Theme.type.bin +
              Recipient.definiteness.bin +
              Theme.definiteness.bin +
              (1|Speaker.pruned)+ # random effect (intercept adjustment)
              data = dat_us,
              glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 100000))
Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
  Approximation) [glmerMod]
 Family: binomial  ( logit )
Formula: Response.variable ~ Semantics + Recipient.type.bin + Theme.type.bin +  
    Recipient.definiteness.bin + Theme.definiteness.bin + Recipient.animacy.bin +  
    Length.difference + (1 | Speaker.pruned) + (1 | Recipient.lemma.pruned) +  
    (1 | Theme.lemma.pruned)
   Data: dat_us
Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e+05))

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   283.9    344.7   -129.9    259.9     1158 

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-29.3657   0.0115   0.0291   0.0750   3.2863 

Random effects:
 Groups                 Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Theme.lemma.pruned     (Intercept) 4.05088  2.0127  
 Speaker.pruned         (Intercept) 0.47153  0.6867  
 Recipient.lemma.pruned (Intercept) 0.06079  0.2465  
Number of obs: 1170, groups:  
Theme.lemma.pruned, 158; Speaker.pruned, 89; Recipient.lemma.pruned, 38

Fixed effects:
                                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                            0.1945     0.7095   0.274   0.7840    
SemanticsC                            -1.0726     0.7750  -1.384   0.1664    
SemanticsT                            -1.0996     0.5448  -2.018   0.0436 *  
Recipient.type.binP                    2.8374     0.6030   4.705 2.54e-06 ***
Theme.type.binP                       -0.9247     0.8281  -1.117   0.2642    
Recipient.definiteness.binIndefinite  -1.5220     0.6707  -2.269   0.0233 *  
Theme.definiteness.binIndefinite       2.6062     0.5973   4.363 1.28e-05 ***
Recipient.animacy.binI                -2.5117     0.5917  -4.245 2.19e-05 ***
Length.difference                     -1.9668     0.3820  -5.148 2.63e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) SmntcC SmntcT Rcp..P Thm..P Rcpnt.d.I Thm..I Rcpnt.n.I
SemanticsC  -0.198                                                       
SemanticsT  -0.217  0.318                                                
Rcpnt.typ.P -0.352 -0.130 -0.105                                         
Thm.typ.bnP -0.204  0.078 -0.091 -0.051                                  
Rcpnt.dfn.I -0.262  0.067  0.135  0.210  0.059                           
Thm.dfntn.I -0.463  0.039 -0.106  0.201  0.105 -0.277                    
Rcpnt.nmc.I -0.108  0.078  0.233 -0.134  0.015  0.266    -0.452          
Lngth.dffrn  0.192  0.041  0.041  0.146 -0.202  0.245    -0.426  0.315   

Model summaries: Pseudo R2 measures (coefficient of determination), C value and VIF

# Pseudo R2 measures
Warning: the null model is correct only if all variables used by the original
model remain unchanged.
                  R2m       R2c
theoretical 0.5980292 0.8320310
delta       0.2696375 0.3751436
# Concordance index C
somers2(binomial()$linkinv(fitted(trad_model_min)), as.numeric(dat_us$Response.variable) -1)
           C          Dxy            n      Missing 
   0.9898890    0.9797781 1170.0000000    0.0000000 
# Variance Inflation Factors
                               GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
Semantics                  1.148769  2        1.035281
Recipient.type.bin         1.264991  1        1.124718
Theme.type.bin             1.097579  1        1.047654
Recipient.definiteness.bin 1.263261  1        1.123949
Theme.definiteness.bin     1.613373  1        1.270186
Recipient.animacy.bin      1.399355  1        1.182943
Length.difference          1.420581  1        1.191881

Partial effect plots on regression model

The effects package can help us shed a light on the reading of the coefficients in regression models. Here I plotted the partial effects for the predictors of the minimal model. For a detalied explanation, check out here.

# partial effects plot
# vertical axes plot probability of the predicted outcome
plot(Effect(focal.predictors = c("Semantics"), mod = trad_model_min))

plot(Effect(focal.predictors = c("Recipient.type.bin"), mod = trad_model_min))

plot(Effect(focal.predictors = c("Recipient.definiteness.bin"), mod = trad_model_min))

plot(Effect(focal.predictors = c("Theme.definiteness.bin"), mod = trad_model_min))

plot(Effect(focal.predictors = c("Recipient.animacy.bin"), mod = trad_model_min))

plot(Effect(focal.predictors = c("Length.difference"), mod = trad_model_min))

References and further readings

Bresnan, J., Cueni, A., Nikitina, T., Baayen, H., 2007. Predicting the Dative Alternation, in: Bouma, G., Kraemer, I., Zwarts, J. (Eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation. Royal Netherlands Academy of Science, Amsterdam, pp. 69–94.

Hemmert, G. A. J., Schons, L. M., Wieseke, J., & Schimmelpfennig, H. (2018). Log-likelihood-based Pseudo-R2 in Logistic Regression: Deriving Sample-sensitive Benchmarks. Sociological Methods & Research, 47(3), 507–531.

Levshina, N. (2020). Conditional Inference Trees and Random Forests. In: Paquot, M., Gries, S.T. (eds) A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Springer, Cham., 611-44.

Szmrecsanyi, B., Grafmiller, J., Bresnan, J., Rosenbach, A., Tagliamonte, S., Todd, S., 2017. Spoken syntax in a comparative perspective: The dative and genitive alternation in varieties of English. Glossa J. Gen. Linguist. 2, 86.

Tagliamonte, S., & Baayen, R. H. (2012). Models, forests and trees of York English: Was/were variation as a case study for statistical practice. Language Variation and Change, 24(2), 135–178.